Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Face Respirators that you can rely on to prevent the spread of Coronavirus

With the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, people across the world are worried about protecting themselves against the virus, and government authorities across the world are working towards controlling the spread of the virus which is challenging.

When it comes to protective masks and respirators, N95 Respirator is believed to be the medical graded, facepiece respirators that help filter 95% of airborne particles.

The respirator is a PPE device that is designed to attain close fit as well as effective filtration of airborne particles. The edges of the respirator are manufactured to create a seal around your mouth and nose.

General precautions to be taken for using N95 Respirator

  • For those suffering from cardiac, chronic respiratory, or any other medical ailment that affects normal breathing needs to consult their physician before they use N95 grade respirator as this respirator can make breathing difficult for the user. 
  • Some models with exhalation valves are available and they make breathing easier and also eliminate the building up of heat. These N95 grade respirators having exhalation valves are not meant to be used in sterile conditions. 
  • All FDA certified N95 grade respirators come with "single-use," disposable devices labels. In case your respirator is soiled/damaged, or in case if you are not able to breathe properly through the respirator then make sure you remove it and dispose it properly and buy a new one. To dispose of the respirator properly, put it in a plastic bag and throw it into the dustbin. Next, you have to wash your hands properly after holding the used respirator.
  • N95 grade respirators are not made for people having facial hair or for children. As these respirators need a proper fit it is not easy for children and people with facial hair to get the right fit. In such cases, you may not get the desired protection from N95 grade respirators.

N95 Respirators for Health Care Settings and Industrial Settings

Mostly, N95 respirators are made to be used in industrial or construction jobs wherein the workers are exposed to dust and other tiny particles.

They are controlled by NPPTL (National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory) in NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) which belongs to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

Well, certain N95 grade respirators are made to use in a health care setting. These respirators are disposable, single-use respiratory protective devices. These respirators are used by health care staff while caring for patients and to protect themselves and the patients from the transmission of microorganisms, particulate material, and body fluids. 

Face Respirators that you can rely on to prevent the spread of Coronavirus

With the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, people across the world are worried about protecting themselves against the virus, and government ...